And then we come to the end of the year. The beginning of a new decade. Another cycle has ended and, once again, that feeling of introspection and reflection gains space in our minds. It’s time to think about the future, respect the past, and understand the present.

Elementary School season. I was not even 5 years old, but my predilections and desires were already manifesting. I remember that when there was “Play Day” — that moment when the child takes something to use during the class break at school — I was the one who came with the “Almanaque da Turma da Mônica” to read. (By the way, Maurício de Souza’s publications were part of my literacy. Today, if you go to the toilet at home, you will find several old copies of the comics of the people from Bairro do Limoeiro. I don’t even need to say how much it was amazing to see the movie “Turma da Mônica — Laços” this year)
Much of this is because there has never been a lack of incentive: if, on the one hand, reading took place through gifts for birthdays, Christmas and other family gatherings, appreciation of culture were also present, through exhibitions in museums, plays and outdoor activities. For that (and for so many other things), I can only thank my maternal origins. Paternal origins, in turn, were responsible for teaching me how it is possible to lead a life without so much worry. That, despite everything, a laugh is always welcome. And, above all, that
Everything happens in the best possible way, but you must do it where.
More recently, in those college days, I discovered a new facet, not so explored so far: music. I was a stage manager for a musical theater group (the “Hello, Dolly!” soundtrack is still on my mind to this day!), I’m learning the recorder (and about to start the ukulele!), and I’m currently doing an internship with the ESALQ Musical Groups. A new world — much more complex and fun than I imagined — was presented to me, and how good it is to be able to experience new things.
When I’m older, I want to look to the past and make sure I had a responsibility to leave this world better than I found it (we must be optimistic, right?). And as a very dear friend, Agatha Martins, once said, “life is about people and what we create with them”. Without them, there is a danger that everything will become an ego adventure, and perhaps our lives can become a great void in time and space. As Michael (played by Ted Danson), the demon architect of the “The Good Place” series would say:

“What matters is not whether people are good or bad. What matters is whether today they are trying to be better than they were yesterday.”
Answering the title’s question: I make writing the way to express myself in the world. If during the past decade (!) I have known many things and gone through so many other experiences, now I want this to become accessible. Right now, it’s writing. It may be that in the future, content creation will happen on some other platform. But the future is not yet written. Simon Sinek, in his book “Start With Why”, tells us that, roughly speaking, the motivation with which we do things can be more important than the content itself. Austin Kleon, in his “Steal Like an Artist”, says that a good repertoire is something everyone needs. May this space be a repertoire for anyone interested.
I have some ideas in mind, it’s true. Food, communication, consumption, politics, and technology, among other subjects. But I won’t be stuck with them. If you have any suggestions, you can comment right here. Or send an email to info@iamdiogo.com. Or send a direct to my Instagram account. Or a message on my Facebook. You are free to decide. New challenges are always welcome! :)
The year 2020 has everything to be amazing. Let’s go together?
This article was originally published on January 6, 2020, in a pre-Coronavirus pandemic context.